LuLu premier
Our commitment to enhance customers’ convenience has propelled us to go beyond the usual and offer a range of financial products and services at one place. With this constant endeavor and our penchant to delight customers with our unique and innovative offerings,LuLu Exchange has introduced “LULU PREMIER”, a customer segmentation program, which caters to the needs and aspiration of the affluent segment.
We understand that the needs of affluent customers are distinct and they must be offered given a personalized and differentiated experience, to ensure that they can focus on the more important things in life. Our relationship with the LuLu Premier members are managed real-time by a dedicated team of Relationship Managers who offer a unique experience by practicing the “Ask once and done approach” on customer service and by extending tailor-made solutions matching their requirements.
It is a by invitation program and members are selected basis a criterion set by LuLu Exchange. We are here because of our customers and we believe in going the extra mile to make their experience with us enriching and special.
As a LuLu Premier Member, you can avail the below privileges:

Priority and personalized services at our branches, without having to wait in long queues
Guaranteed best exchange rates for all money transfer and foreign currency exchange needs
Dedicated Relationship Managers, offering customized support
Attractive offers and discounts on fine dining, entertainment, shopping and leisure activities from program partners
Doorstep services, that can be availed from the comfort of office or home.
SMS alerts and transaction updates on registered mobile numbers
Online Money Transfer Platform